

1816年,法国医生René Laënnec发明了第一部听诊器,它只是一个卷起的纸管,用来过滤从患者胸部到耳部的声音。直到20世纪60年代初,才由医学博士David Littmann(1906-1981)发明了革命性的新型设计听诊器并获得专利。这种听诊器更轻、更便于携带和使用,而且声学性能大大提高。


3M™ Littmann®听诊器:发展历史简述

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  • stethoscope history
1967: 3M™ Welcomes a New Partner
littmann stethoscope

In April 1967, 3M™ acquired Dr. Littmann’s company, Cardiosonics. Dr. Littmann would then work as an adviser to help further develop his invention.

1979: For Demanding Physicians
cardiology stethoscope

The Cardiology Stethoscope is introduced, featuring improved acoustic performance, and more. Improvements continued over the decades.

1984: More Sounds with Less Hassle
tunable technology

3M™ patents Tunable Technology which enables users to hear high or low frequency sounds without repositioning the stethoscope chestpiece.

1988–2006: The March of Technological Progression
littmann mechanical stethoscopes

Many stethoscopes received upgrades as technology advanced. The Classic II Pediatric, Cardiology III, and Lightweight II S.E. were some of them.

2015: The Next Generation Rises
3m littmann classic iii stethoscope

The 3M™ Littmann® Classic III Stethoscope was introduced, featuring longer-lasting tubing that had improved resistance to skin oils and alcohol.

2016: Advancing the Legacy
littmann stethoscope cardiology iv

3M™ Littmann® Cardiology IV Stethoscopes were introduced during 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes’ “50 Years of Listening” anniversary

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